45 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

45 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

관련기사 :  http://travel.cnn.com/explorations/eat/40-taiwanese-food-296093

45 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

CNN에 소개된 45가지 타이완 음식들 입니다.

1. Braised pork rice (滷肉飯)

2. Beef noodle (牛肉麵)

3. Oyster omelet (蚵仔煎)

4. Bubble tea (珍珠奶茶)

5. Milkfish (虱目魚)

6. Slack Season danzai noodles (擔仔麵)

7. Pan-fried bun (生煎包)

8. Gua bao (割包)

9. Iron egg (鐵蛋)

10. Pineapple cake (鳳梨酥)

11. Tian bu la (甜不辣)

12. Ba wan (肉圓)

13. Fried chicken (鹽酥雞)

14. Flaky scallion pancake (蔥抓餅)

15. Oyster vermicelli (蚵仔麵線)

16. Stinky tofu (臭豆腐)

17. Sweet potato (地瓜)

18. Shaved ice mountain (刨冰山)

19. Pepper cakes (胡椒餅)

20. Dumplings at Din Tai Fung Dumpling House (鼎泰豐小籠包)

21. Fish ball soup (魚丸湯)

22. Ribs stewed in medicinal herbs (藥燉排骨)

23. Goose (鵝肉)

24. Ding bian cuo (鐤邊趖)

25. Taiwanese sausage with sticky rice (大腸包小腸)

26. Mochi (麻糬)

27. Lantern soy sauce braised food (燈籠滷味)

28. Sun cakes (太陽餅)

29. Tube rice pudding (筒仔米糕)

30. Taiwanese breakfast (燒餅夾油條)

31. Pig’s blood rice pudding (豬血米糕)

32. Three-cup chicken (三杯雞)

33. Tamsui Agei (阿給)

34. Ban tiao (粄條)

35. Hot-star large fried chicken (豪大大雞排)

36. Anything with cuttlefish (花枝)

37. Aiyu jelly (愛玉冰)

38. Pidan tofu (皮蛋豆腐)

39. Steamed spring roll (潤餅)

40. Spicy hotpot (麻辣火鍋)

41. Tiger-striped chicken gua bao (虎皮軟燒雞割包)

42. Chicken wing rice roll (雞翅包飯)

43. Giant pork balls soup (爆汁貢丸)

44. Wu Pao Chun Bakery Breads (吳寶春麵包)

45. Biandang (便當)
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