오늘자 중화항공 공지사항 확인하세요

오늘자 중화항공 공지사항 확인하세요


  1. Eligibility: Passengers holding CI/AE valid tickets issued on/before 24FEB20 with confirmed bookings on CI/AE flights to/from Korea on 24FEB20-30APR20. 
  2. Application Date: Must file applications on/before 30APR20. 
  3. Rebooking/Reissue/Reroute:
    a. Tickets within validity can be revalidated with booking class/Carrier/city shown on tickets remain unchanged while rebooking on other date of CI/AE operating flights. Any fare/tax differences incurred by rebooking shall be waived once.
    b. Tickets to/from Korea can be changed to any CI/AE operating flight to/from Korea with booking class shown on the ticket remained unchanged. Any fare/tax differences incurred by rebooking shall be waived once.
    c. Any fare/tax differences incurred by rebooking on different booking class /rerouting shall be paid by passengers and the reissue charge shall be waived once while rearrangement to other airlines are not permitted.
    d. Ticket issued on CI website please contact branch office or Call Center to change booking. 
  4. Refund: Full refund for unused tickets without imposing any refund service charge or penalty. Payments of chargeable seats, pre-paid excess baggage can be full refund. 
  5. Not applicable:
    a. Passengers holding other airline tickets shall comply with other airline's ticket rule.
    b. Discount tickets are not applicable for the principles. Group tickets please contact your agency.

링크 : https://www.china-airlines.com/kr/ko/discover/news/travel-advisory?travelAlert=36257-7030

중화항공에서 코로나 바이러스에 관련해서 오늘자 공지사항이 올라온게 있으니, 

중화항공으로 대만 항공편 또는 대만경유 항공편을 예약및 이용하시는 분들은 공지사항을 참고하시면 될거 같습니다.

위에 중화항공 공지시항 전체 부분에는 한국 외에 일본, 싱가포르, 중국, 홍콩, 이탈리아(로마), 베트남(하노이), 필리핀(마닐라, 세부) 

등도 마찬가지로 함께 공지하고 있습니다.

중요한 4번에 전액 환불이 된다고 되어 있는 부분이 핵심일듯 합니다.

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