3월 1일부터 공항에서 신속항원검사 키트를 제공하지 않습니다.

3월 1일부터 공항에서 신속항원검사 키트를 제공하지 않습니다.

Starting March 1, arrivals and close contacts of confirmed cases no longer receive free COVID-19 at-home rapid tests

On February 20, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced that, effective March 1, at-home rapid test kits will no longer be provided free of charge to arriving travelers and close contacts of confirmed cases. Members of the public can purchase rapid tests through retail channels/pharmacies, convenience stores or other places selling rapid tests. In terms of this change, the effective date is based on the scheduled arrival time for arriving travelers and, for close contacts of confirmed cases, based on the date on which confirmed cases begin their isolation.

출처 : https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Bulletin/Detail/WtGviK_GnEGb9JxKsVEzcg?typeid=158

3월 1일부터는 대만 공항에서 신속항원검사 키트를 제공하지 않는다고 합니다.

신속항원검사 키트는 마트, 약국, 편의점등에서 구입할수 있습니다.

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